If you can’t find information that you KNOW you’ve entered, check to make sure that you do not have a Query selected in the View window. This restricts the records available to only those matching the Query constraints.
Pick Show Selection from the View menu, and then de-select the Query name. Pick Show Form from the View menu to get the form back, and try again with Find First (or whatever).
If you do a Find type of command and do not see any information, check the View menu and see if the Delete command is selectable. If it is, this means that you are looking at a record that has none of the visible fields defined.
Also check the Template to make sure it is the right one, with the right icons.
You may also try re-building the Indexes.
• Why are “blank” or “empty” records showing up in my
Check to make sure that you do not have multiple entry forms in the Relation. Although you may display your data in many ways by using different Templates and their associated forms, you should be cautious about entering information from more than one Template/form. When you enter a record, you enter information in that file position for all the Field icons that exist within that Relation. If a Field icon is not present on the form, you enter a “blank” for it that corresponds to the same file position as the data you typed into the form.
In other words, suppose you had two entry forms (#1 & #2) in your Relation, each using different Field icons. You went to #1 and made an entry. You then went to #2 and made an entry. This second entry becomes the first record entered into form #2. If you now selected Find First, form #2 would be blank because the “first” entry in this Relation was made with the other form, and none of the fields on this form were defined at that time. Select Find Next and the entry for form #2 will appear.
Note that if using the above example, you deleted the apparently “blank” records that would appear in either form, you could also be deleting information that you cannot currently see. When you Delete, you erase whatever is in that file position from all Field icons in the Relation, whether they are on that particular form or not. (i.e., what is deleted corresponds to the file position of that particular record (the entry order determines the file position).) Deletions under these circumstances can cause information to disappear “mysteriously.”
For these reasons it is typically advised to have only one form that is used for data entry per Relation.
Also check your calculations. An error or undefined field(s) can cause the answer to be “undefined.” This means nothing will be displayed in the Rectangle containing this Abacus icon. Totals & Sub-Totals, for example, will be undefined if nothing is found to total (use the Undefined Becomes tile to make these return a “0” if no data are present). With complex calculations, it can become a real challenge to track-down tiny errors. Printing out all calculations (or writing them down on a notepad) can prove to be a crucial sleuthing aid.
Check the Relation — make sure you are looking in the right one. With several Relations, it is not unknown for someone to use one Relation to enter one type of information, then later mistakenly look for it in another Relation.
You can throw away the old Indexes and reconstruct them.